5 Simple Ideas for Mindfulness in Spring
Believe it or not, spring is here with its contagious energy and it's just begging us to hit the refresh button. Are you ready to sprinkle a little mindfulness into your days? This season let's go all in—inhaling deeply, tuning into the sounds of nature, feeling the freshness with our fingertips, and greeting every bloom with joy. We've got five super simple ways to help you embrace the spirit of spring and live each moment more mindfully.
1. Breathe deeply and listen to spring
Find a quiet spot in a park, or greenway and consciously breathe in and out. Notice how the fresh air relaxes you. The fascinating sounds of spring also remind us of what we may have almost forgotten after the long winter. Breathing in and out while listening to the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves – a simple but effective idea for mindfulness in spring.
2. Delight in the colors
When spring arrives, it has a way of bringing color back into our world and onto our plates! Look around – everything's alive and green. Remember, spring isn't just for admiring nature; it's also about colorful, healthy eating. Why not brighten up your meals with our vibrant rainbow smoothie or salmon melon asparagus salad.
3. Appreciate fresh ingredients
Think about using plenty of fresh ingredients in your cooking to enhance your experience of mindfulness this spring. Now is the best time for aromatic herbs, crunchy vegetables and delicious, sweet fruit. Select your ingredients carefully, get to know the different scents and textures and enjoy them in peace and quiet. How about a colorful fruit salad or a salad dressing with herbs?
4. Feel the sun
Do you find yourself looking for sunshine when you’re outside in the heart of winter? Here's a simple springtime mindfulness tip: take a moment to sit on your balcony, relax in the sunlight, and with eyes closed, let its warmth wash over you. You'll likely notice an immediate lift in your spirits, feeling more joyful and at peace. But the benefits of sunshine go beyond just a mood boost. Our bodies actually need sunlight to produce vitamin D – a vital nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining strong bones and a resilient immune system.
5. Create memories
Have you ever met Frederick, the little mouse from Leo Lionni's children's stories? Just like Frederick saved up sunbeams and colors for the cold months, why not gather some springtime joys to brighten dull days? Go on a casual "spring safari" and snap pictures of bright flowers, smooth stones, cats stretching in sunlight, lush green parks, or even your first ice cream cone enjoyed outside this year. Another fun idea is putting together a collection of pressed leaves, flowers, and herbs—your very own nature scrapbook.
Go ahead, give one, or all of these tips, a try!
Published March 1, 2024