Organic Bananas
For consumers who prefer to buy organic, Dole offers certified organically grown bananas. These are grown without the use of synthetic chemicals and fertilizers. Our growing techniques focus on improvements in a biological approach to pests and plant diseases.Nutrition
Organic Bananas
Make the most of your fruit! Learn how to select, prep, and protect your farm-fresh produce.
How do you pick a ripe banana?
There are over 1000 different banana varieties. The best known variety in Europe is Cavendish. Bananas turn from green to yellow as they ripen. Dole bananas are harvested green, transported at cool temperatures and allowed to ripen at their destination. So they arrive at your store fresh, firm and delicious.
How do you prepare bananas?
Bananas are possibly the worlds most versatile fruit. You can eat a banana anywhere, any time; it’s easy to carry in your bag, backpack or briefcase. You can chop a yellow banana on your salad or dessert, bake spotted bananas into loaves of tasty bread for breakfast or a snack, even fry firm yellow ones! If using bananas in salads, prevent browning also known as oxidation, by tossing them in pineapple or lemon juice. The juice has ascorbic acid or vitamin C which helps retain color.
How do you store bananas?
Green bananas will ripen in your home at room temperature. Ripe bananas should be stored in a cool place to make them keep for longer. But don’t put them in the fridge, as the cold will make the skin turn grey and look unappetizing.